The Educators Faqirabad Campus Jobs 2022

The Educators Faqirabad Campus Jobs 2022

Staff positions and jobs are available for eligible and qualified candidates. latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, jobs in peshawar, teaching jobs in peshawar, latest jobs in peshawar, the educators school jobs, jobs at the educators faquirabad campus, the educators faqirabad campus jobs 2022. Applications are invited for the following positions and jobs mentioned below. The qualification and experience of the jobs are mentioned in the following advertisement.

Positions Announced:

1. Principal

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: The candidate should have master’s with 1-year of relevant experience or 2 years of experience as a coordinator

2. Co-ordinator

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: MA / MSc with 1 year or 2 years of experience as a senior teacher

3. Subject Teacher

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: The candidate should have masters degree with at least one year of experience in pre-school

4. Pre-School Teacher 

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: Masters with experience in school is required for the job

5. Campus Relationship Officer 

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: master with experience in school is required

6. Khala (Female)

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: Matric

Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs: 

The last date to apply for the following positions and jobs is 22nd Sept 2022 as mentioned in the following advertisement

How to apply: 

Send CV to the following address mentioned in the advertisement below.

The Educators Faqirabad Campus Jobs 2022

The Educators Faqirabad Campus Jobs 2022

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