Technical Staff Required at UET Peshawar 2023

Technical Staff Required at UET Peshawar 2023

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Positions Announced:

1. Project Manager
2. Lead Trainer
3. Assistant Trainer
4. Project Coordinator
5. Software/Web Developer Engineer
6. Research Analyst Building Energy Codes
7. Research Analyst Building Energy Efficiency Rating
8. Research Assistant
9. Research Associate
10. Communication/Promotional Expert
11. Communication/Promotional Assistant
12. Software Development Assistants
13. Graduate Engineers

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacancies: 

Civil/Mechanical/Architecture/Electrical with one year experience

Last date to apply for the following positions and jobs:

The last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs is 25th Oct 2023 as mentioned in the following advertisement

How to apply for the jobs:

The requisite qualifications, experience, and responsibilities for the position are available online on the UET Peshawar website: Those fulfilling the required criteria may submit a cover letter along with a CV, CNIC, one recent Photograph, and attested copies of their education and experience certificates. The applications must reach the office of the undersigned by the closing hour of 25th of October 2023, Wednesday either by post or email.

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