Team Leader Jobs at WAPDA 2024
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Jobs Announced:
1. Team Leader (Equivalent to Manager)
Note: Government employees applying for this post are required to obtain requisite permissions (if any). Educational degrees must be from HEC recognized Universities / Concerned Boards duly verified. Original documents must be presented by the candidates at the time of the interview. The candidates who have been weeded out of service on disciplinary grounds as well as dismissed or debarred for future employment are not eligible to apply.
Last date to apply for the following positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs is within 15 days
How to apply:
Applications carrying incomplete/incorrect information or received after the last date of receipt shall be summarily rejected. WAPDA reserves the right to withhold/cancel the recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reason. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria specified above may submit their job applications on the prescribed form along with a detailed CV, attested copies of all educational / experience certificates, domicile certificate, CNIC, and 02 recent passport-size photographs to the Director (Recruitment), B-26 WAPDA House, Lahore through courier /postal service within 15 days of publication of advertisement. For any information/query, candidates may email [email protected] or contact +92-42-99200483.

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