Roberts Cotton Associates Limited Jobs 2021

Roberts Cotton Associates Limited Jobs 2021

Applications are invited for the following vacant positions and jobs mentioned as follows. latest jobs in pakistan, latest jobs in khanewal, supervisor jobs in khanewal, robert cotton associates jobs, jobs in robert associates limited, robert cotton associates limited jobs 2021. The qualification and experience required to fill the following vacant positions and jobs are mentioned as follows.

Positions Announced: 

1. Chief RnD (Seed)

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: Ph. D, M.Sc. (Agriculture). 10 years of experience.

2. Chief Accountant / Internal Auditor

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: ACMA, ACCA, MBA, M. Com with 10 years of experience in the relevant field.

3. Manager HR / Admin 

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: MBA, BA, Retired Army Officer will be preferred.  10 years of experience.

4. Sales Manager

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: M.Sc., B.Sc. (Agriculture) MBA 10 years of experience is required.

5. Farm Manager

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: B.Sc. (Agronomy) with 10 years experience.

6. Farm Supervisor 

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: Diploma in Agriculture with 5 years of experience

7. Laboratory Incharge

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: B.Sc. Agriculture. 5 years of experience is required.

8. Field Assistants

Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant position and job: Diploma in Agriculture with 5 years of experience is required for the following position.

Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs: 

The last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs is 30th Dec 2021 as mentioned in the following advertisement

How to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs: 

Candidates may submit their resume with the latest picture at the email address [email protected]

Roberts Cotton Associates Limited Jobs 2021

Roberts Cotton Associates Limited Jobs 2021

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