New Jobs at KPK Healthcare Commission 2023
Applications are invited for the following vacant positions and jobs. latest jobs in kpk, kpk govt jobs, new jobs at kpk healthcare commission 2023, latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs pakistan, newspaper jobs today, latest jobs today, jobs today, jobs search, jobs hunt, new hirings, jobs nearby me. The Provincial Government established the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Care Commission (KPHCC) as an autonomous body to regulate public and private healthcare establishments in the province to improve healthcare quality. KP HCC intends to develop a pool of assessors, to be engaged on a need basis on the approved terms and conditions. Applications are invited from eligible Pakistani Nationals.
Positions Announced:
1. Pathologist
2. Radiologist
Note: The candidate should be highly motivated, competent, and have good communication skills. Selected assessor(s) will be trained on standards before embarking on the assignment. KP HCC reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason as well as to cancel the process or increase/decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement.
Last date to apply:
24th May 2023
How to apply:
Reference Manuals of MSDS are available on the KP HCC website ( CV along with attested copies of National Identity Card, and educational and experience certificates
should reach the Commission. The envelope should be clearly marked on the top right-hand corner with the title of the position applied for. Incomplete/late applications shall not be entertained. Application shall be accepted, till May 24, 2024, and selection of eligible candidates shall be done on a quarterly basis or need basis.

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