Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Jobs 2021

Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Jobs 2021

Applications are invited for the following vacant positions. latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in karachi, latest jobs in karachi, jobs in karachi shipyard, karachi shipyard & engineering works limited jobs, latest jobs in karachi shipyard, karachi shipyard & engineering works jobs 2021. The following vacant positions are located in Karachi. The qualification and experience required for the following vacant positions and jobs are mentioned as follows.

Positions Announced: 

1. Fitter

Qualification and experience required for the following vacant positions and jobs: Matric with trade course. Minimum 03 years experience in a reputable organization of relevant field.

2. Grinder Man

Qualification and experience required for the following vacant positions and jobs: Matric. Minimum 03 years experience in a reputable organization of relevant field.

3. Khallasi

Qualification and experience required for the following vacant positions and jobs: Minimum 03 years experience in a reputable organization of relevant field.

Age limit required for the following vacancies and positions: The age limit required for the following positions is up to 45 years.

The number of vacancies announced in the advertisement: 3 vacant positions and jobs

Station of duty / Place of posting: The following vacant positions and jobs are located in Karachi

Nature of the following positions: The following positions are on a contractual basis

Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs: 

The last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs is within 15 days of publication of this advertisement

How to apply for the jobs: 

Interested candidates may apply online. through KSEW’s official website, www.karachishipyard.com.pk/page/careers, or forward their CVs, along with the applications, 02 passport size photographs, attested copies of CNIC, and relevant documents to the following address within fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. No TA; DA will be admissible.

Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Jobs 2021

Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Jobs 2021

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