Construction work preparation is to prepare all the requirements for construction work activities. We need to do this preparation before starting the implementation of land maturation or starting work on land management in the planned construction site

This preparation process includes various things such as preparing carpentry equipment, warehouse material, beds for workers. this preparation is an initial need for project work both for the construction of private homes or for large-scale company projects.

Worker Equipment Preparation
Worker equipment is a tool – a tool needed by workers or workers. This equipment includes many parts with light equipment and heavy equipment.

Light equipment is offered by Troly (wheelbarrow) cankul, cement sedok, deer, brush, lingis, pliers and many others, while for heavy equipment such as molen (cement mixer), Wales or fibro, bulldozers, excavators and other heavy equipment suitable needs.

For light equipment, we should use it for new purchases because this equipment is a basic necessity of workers or workers and this equipment is classified as a consumable equipment, which does not have a post-sale value and usually has a short durability.

And for Heavy Equipment, of course there are alternatives that can be used besides buying new ones, because heavy peralantan has a price that is quite expensive and its use is incidental or not routine, like Bulldozers, we can rent Exsavator and don’t have to buy new ones. Even Molen is currently renting out.

So depending on our needs for construction work, we also buy heavy equipment ourselves if the work we do using heavy equipment is routine or sustainable for other jobs. and we can buy heavy equipment that is reconditioned if we have personnel who are experts in that field.

Material Warehouse
Warehouse is also a basic requirement before the Project, and its use we certainly also know is to store building materials and work equipment.

This material warehouse building is not necessary with a permanent building, just by using a wooden frame and a wall of Playwood (plywood) or GRC. because these warehouse needs are usually only needed during construction at the project site it is still running. If all project work is finished, the warehouse can be dismantled again

There are a number of things that need to be considered in building a warehouse for material. Construction in addition to the form and semi-permanent material between them.

Determine the location Construction of a warehouse that is close to the work location of the Project, because it will facilitate the mobilization of materials from the warehouse where the workplace is located.
The location of the warehouse is placed in a location that is not adjacent to the construction site of the building. This means that when we start the work of the warehouse building does not need to be sheared or moved and make sure the warehouse is really in a place that is not built.
Place a warehouse that is easy to access by large vehicles such as trucks, tronton or pick up cars. This is to facilitate material transportation to carry out loading and unloading building materials.
Safe and easy to monitor location at any time

Bedeng is a resting place for construction workers, these beds are also a temporary residence for construction workers and take breaks during work breaks during the day and night.

In addition to being able to build it yourself, you can also rent a house if there is one close to the Project location

Because these beds are temporary dwellings, workers are certainly equipped with decent living facilities even though buildings that are made are not permanent but still have to pay attention to the standard of living conditions such as the availability of MCK, good air circulation and adequate lighting.

The size of the beds can be adjusted according to the condition of the number of workers who will live in it for 10 workers with enough buildings with an area of ​​5 x 12 m2 and equipped with a bathroom and washing.

The location of the beds should also not be too far from the work place and workers can arrive on time

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