New Multiple Internships & Training Programs 2024
FCPS Trainees Required at AFIU Rawalpindi 2024
Applications are invited for the following positions. latest jobs in rawalpindi, afiu rawalpindi fcps ii training 2024, latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs pakistan, fcps trainees required at afiu rawalpindi 2024, newspaper jobs today, latest jobs today, jobs today, jobs search, jobs hunt, new hirings, jobs nearby me. Induction will be done during the first year of training in the disciplines of urology and nephrology. b. Trainees will be paid an honorarium according to their training year.
Positions Announced:
1. Civilian
a. Applicants must have passed FCPS Part | in General Surgery / Medicine and completed 02-year training in General Surgery / Medicine.
b. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by a panel.
c. No TA/DA will be paid to applicants reporting for interviews.
d. Training will start after formal approval from the concemed authority.
e. Candidates getting salaries from their own, governments will undergo the same selection procedure as mentioned above However, they will not get any honorarium.
How to apply
Applicants will submit their applications (Sequence) by hand / by post to “Admin Officer, Armed Forces Institute of Urology, Rawalpindi Cantonment” alongwith photocopies of the following documents:-
a. Application (Typed) addressed to Commandant AFIU Rawalpindi
b. CNIC Copy
c. Matric/FSc Detailed Mark Sheet/Certificate
d. MBBS Degree + DMC (Prof Wise)
e. Valid PMDC/PMC Registration.
f. House Job Certificate
g. FCPS-I passing certificate
h. Police Verification
f. Experience Certificate of General Surgery / Medicine Training
j. NOC of Min/ Department / Organization concemed for training at services
Hospitals/Armed Forces Institute if already employed
k. 5x passport-size photographs
l. 4 x photocopy sets of all documents
m. Any other supporting document

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2. PG Training at CMH Sialkot Cantt 2024
Applications are invited for PG Training (FCPS/MCPS) in the specialties mentioned below. latest jobs pakistan, jobs in sialkot, jobs in punjab, pg training at cmh sialkot cantt 2024, latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs pakistan, newspaper jobs today, latest jobs today, jobs today, jobs search, jobs hunt, new hirings, jobs nearby me,
Positions Announced:
1. General Medicine
2. Family Medicine
3. General Surgery
4. ENT
5. Pediatrics
6. Anaesthesia
7. Haematology
8. Microbiology
9. Orthopedic
10. Eye
11, Gynaecology
12. Radiology
13, Psychiatry
Last date to apply for the jobs:
10th Dec 2024
How to apply:
Desirous candidates can submit their applications to Training Office CMH Sik, latest by 10 Dec 2024 along with the following documents: CV, Matric/FSc Marks Sheet, Domicile, 5-Year MBBS Transcript, PM&DC Reg, House Job Certificate, CNIC Copy, 3 x Passport size photographs, Experience Certificate (If any). Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. Please contact on 052-4262192 extension # 179 for any queries.

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3. Training Program at CMH Attock 2024
Applications are invited for the following positions. latest jobs in attock, jobs in attock, training program at cmh attock 2024,
Positions Announced:
1. FCPS / MCPS Gynaecology & Obs
Last date to apply for the following positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following positions and jobs is 15th Dec 2024 as mentioned in the following advertisement
How to apply for the following positions:
Eligible candidates should forward the following documents through hard copies by 15th Dec 2024. Applications along with CV 1x photo/ CNIC copy duly attested. FSc mark sheet, MBBS degree, MBBS aggregate mark sheet (1x copy each). 1x year house job certificate / PMDC registration certificate, 1x copy each. 1x copy of CPSP letter of congratulation (FCPS Pt I), 1x copy of domicile.