Latest Multiple Teaching Jobs 2024
1. Job at DJPS&C Mandibahauddin 2024
Applications are invited for the following position. latest jobs in punjab, jobs in punjab, job at djps&c mandibahauddin 2024, latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs pakistan, newspaper jobs today, latest jobs today, jobs today, jobs search, jobs hunt, new hirings, jobs nearby me,
Positions Announced:
1. Principal
Last date to apply for the job:
20th Dec 2024
How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit their applications along with an updated CV, photographs, and copies of testimonials including CNIC up by 20 December 2024 at the address given below. An original Demand Draft (DD) worth Rs. 3000 in favor of “District Jinnah Public School Trust Mandi Bahauddin Din” must be attached to the application. Applicants working in Govt. / Semi Govt. and autonomous bodies, should apply through proper channels alongwith NOC from the respective organization. Applications must be completed by the closing date in all respects. Incomplete applications and those received after the closing date shall not be considered. Candidates may be short-listed on the basis of academic record. The schedule for the interview of short-listed candidates will be communicated subsequently. The applicants called for a test/interview should also be ready for demonstration/lecture etc. No TA/DA will be paid for the test/interview.

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2. Jobs at Cadet College Kharan 2024
Applications are invited for the following positions mentioned below. latest jobs in balochistan, jobs in balochistan, jobs at cadet college kharan, latest teaching jobs in balochistan, teaching jobs,
Positions Announced:
1. Lecturer Mathematics
2. Lecturer Chemistry
3. Admin Officer
4. Messing Officer
Last date to apply for the following positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following positions and jobs is 26th Dec 2024 as mentioned in the advertisement below
How to apply for the jobs:
Interested candidates may submit their complete applications along with 4 fresh passport-size photos, original fee deposit slip, and 1 attested set of copies of their educational testimonials to the address mentioned in the advertisement below

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3. Walk in Interview for Visiting Facultty at FJMU 2024
Applicants are invited for an interview for the following positions. latest teaching jobs in rawalpindi, jobs in rawalpindi, fjmu jobs, walk in interview for visiting faculty at fjmu 2024. Fatima Jinnah Women’s University requires services of Visiting Faculty FJWU City Campus & Campus I] in various Departments on a purely temporary/contract basis for one semester only.
Positions Announced:
1. Visiting Faculty
Date of Interview:
Walk-in Interviews will be conducted on the following dates.
How to apply:
All interested candidates are required to visit the Registrar’s Office between 11:30 to 1:30 pm as per the given schedule along with the application form, original documents, and updated CV for Walk-in Interview/Demonstration. The application form is available online at the University Website. Candidates are required to (fill out the form online and then come for the interview along with the printout of the form. FJWU reserves the right to refuse an application without assigning any reason. FJWU reserves the right to increase /decrease/cancel the requirement of Visiting Faculty. No TA/DA would be admissible to any applicant. For detailed information please visit the university website

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