Jobs in Umeed Special Education School 2021
Applications are invited for the following vacant positions mentioned as follows. latest jobs in pakistan, umeed special education school jobs, jobs in umeed special education school 2021, latest jobs in peshawar, new jobs in peshawar,
Positions Announced:
1. Principal (Female)
Qualification / Experience required for the job: MSc Psychology/ MS Special Education More than 5 years teaching / administration experience Preference will be given to sign language diploma or certificate qualified applicants
2. Teacher for Hearing Impaired Children (Female)
Qualification / Experience required for the job: BA / BSc or MSc in Special Education / Psychology / Basic Science / Allied Sciences Preference will be given to sign language diploma or certificate qualified applicants
3. Teacher for Visually Impaired Children (Female)
Qualification / Experience required for the job: BA/ BSc or MSc in Special Education / Psychology / Basic Science / Allied Sciences Preference will be given to Braille language diploma or certificate qualified applicants
4. Physiotherapist (Female)
Qualification / Experience required for the job: DPT along with requisite degree or diploma
5. Speech Therapist (Female Intern)
Qualification / Experience required for the job: Speech therapy diploma or degree
6. Librarian (Female Intern)
Qualification / Experience required for the job: Bachelors in Library Science or BA / BSc in Special Education/ Psychology/ Basic Sciences/Allied Sciences
The number of vacancies announced in the advertisement: 7 vacancies are announced in the advertisement
Location of the following vacancies: The following vacancies are located in Peshawar.
Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following vacancies and jobs is 25th Oct 2021 as mentioned in the following advertisement.
How to apply for the following vacancies and jobs:
Applicants are requested to forward their CV with contact details, photocopies of education/experience certificates, CNIC, and 2 x passport size pictures in respect of Principal, USES, Warsak Road, Peshawar latest by 25th Oct 2021. The date of the interview will be communicated later.