Jobs in MUST Mirpur 2021
Applications are invited for the following vacant positions. latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in murpur university, jobs in must mirpur 2021, jobs in mirpur university of science and technology mirpur,
Vacancies Announced:
1. Professor (BPS-21)
CS&IT-01, Maths-02,
Electrical-01, CSE-01,
Mechanical- 01,
English-01, MBS-
Administration)- 01,
Economics-01, Law-01
(above are already
Electrical- 01
2. Associate Professor (BPS-20)
Electrical-02, Mechanical-01,
Biotechnology-02 Botany-01,
Commerce-01, Pharmacy- 01,
Islamic Studies-01,
(above are already
advertised) Veterinary &
Animal Sciences- 01,
Electrical-01. Physics-01.
CSE-01, Civil Engineering-01,
3. Assistant Professor (BPS-19)
Software-01, Mechanical-02,
Maths-01, Biotechnology-01.,
CS&IT-03, Physics-03,
Zoology: 01, IR-01, Botany-02,
Chemistry- 01, Statistics-01,
English-01 (above are already
advertised) Electrical- 02,
Veterinary & Animal
Sciences-01, Mechanical- 01,
CSE-01, Education-01,
Civil Engineering- 03
4. Up-graded Junior Lecturer (BPS-17) as Lecturer (BPS-18)
Electrical -04, Civil-02, MBS
(Business Administration)-01,
MIT( Electrical Technology)- 01,
(above are already advertised)
CS&IT-01, Maths-01, Zoology-04,
MIT (Electrical Technology)-01,
Software-01. CSE-02.
Economics-01, Statistics-01,
Civil Engineering-02
5. Up-Graded Lab Engineer BPS – 17 as Lab Engineer BPS – 18
6. Lecturer BPS 18
Last date to apply:
29th Oct 2021
How to apply:
Eligibility Criteria and Job Application Form are available on the University website, Those who already applied against the above-mentioned posts need not apply again. However, they may update the dossier/CV (if required). Applications should be submitted on the prescribed form along with attested copies of degrees. result cards, PEC Registration, transcripts, and certificates through the mail (by post) to the Registrar, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur Jari-Kas Campus (AJ&K) on or before October 29, 2021. Only PEC Registered Engineers in the relevant field will be considered for Engineering Programs/Faculty. Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Registration is required for the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Separate applications are required for each post and applications for the post of Professor (BPS-21) and Associate Professor (BPS-20) should be annexed with three sets of academic & research documents. A bank Challan/ Draft amounting Rs.1200/- for BPS 17 to 19 and Rs. 2500/- for BPS-20 and above can be obtained from the ABL Main Branches of District Headquarters in AJ&K or online at ([email protected])