Jobs in District Health Authority Khushab 2020
Job Description:
Applications are invited from eligible and qualified candidates to fill the following vacant posts mentioned as follows. The qualification and experience required to fill the vacant posts at District Health Authority Khushab are mentioned as follows.
Positions Vacant:
1. Assistant Entomologist
Basic Pay Scale / Grade: BS – 16
Age limit required for the job: The age limit required for the job is 21 – 28-years
Qualification / Experience required for the job: BSc (second division) in Biology, Zoology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Environmental Health, Agriculture (Entomology), or Medical Technology from a recognized University; and A Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Entomology and Disease Vector Control. If none is available with the above qualification, then from amongst the candidates possessing the qualification of MSc. Zoology, BSc. (Hons.) Agriculture Entomology or B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology subject to the condition that the person appointed must acquire the Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Entomology and Disease Vector Control within three years of the appointment.
Last date to apply for the job:
7th May 2020
How to apply for the job:
Recruitment will be made purely on an ad-hoc basis for a period of one year. Relaxation in the upper age limit for male candidates is 05-years whereas for female candidates it is 08-years. Application Form to apply for the above said posts are available in the office of Chief Executive Officer DHA Khushab. Application Form duly filled along-with attested photocopies of relevant documents to be submitted up to 07.05.2020 to the office of Chief Executive Officer DHA Khushab during official hours. Incomplete applications will not be entertained. Candidates who are already doing Government/Semi-Government or any other kind of jobs should submit their applications through proper channel. Interviews will be conducted on 11.05.2020 (Monday) in the Office of the Deputy Commissioner Khushab at Jauharabad. The separate Interview call letters will not be issued and no TA /DA is admissible for the said purpose. The vacancy will be filled purely on merit, academic qualification, experience, and progress in the interview. The decision of the selection committee will be considered as final which could not be challenged in any court of law.