Health Services Academy Islamabad Jobs 2020
Health Services Academy. a Degree Awarding Institute (DAL) announces the following donor-supported positrons as mentioned with each category under Technical Assistance/ Strengthening by different donors for selection on merit on a contractual basis for 01 years Or the period mentioned against the post (if any). extendable to other terms) subject to the availability of funds by the respective donor. Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for a final interview. The announced Positions are for a limited period through donor support under technical assistance. therefore. selection of the candidate against any post shall not confer any right to claim conversion into a permanent/regular job in any pretext at the Health Services Academy or any other Public Selected entity. If any documentation submitted to HSA during the entire selection process is found incorrect, false/ forged. Health Services Academy reserves the right to cancel the candidature at any stage (even after selection. it so revealed later) and adopt a legal course of action. HSA reserves the right to cancel the entire selection process at any stage without assigning any reason.
ministry of health jobs 2020, health services academy jobs 2020,
Positions Vacant:
1. Professor (Public Health) – 01
2. Associate Professor (Public Health ) – 02
3. Assistant Professor (Public health) – 01
4. Coordinator – 01 (for 09 months only)
5. Senior Fellow – 01
6. Junior Fellow – 01
Last date to apply for the job:
The last date to apply for this job is 21st September 2020 as mentioned in the advertisement below.
How to apply for the job:
Please download the application form from and submit a duly filled application form in all aspects through courier service to Heath Services Academy. Park Road. Chak Shahzad. Islamabad by 21st September 2020. Applications received alley the closing date will not be entertained