Field Epidemiology Training Program 2023
Applications are invited for the following vacant positions. latest jobs in islamabad, medical internships in pakistan, field epidemiology training program 2023, latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs pakistan, newspaper jobs today, latest jobs today, jobs today, jobs search, jobs hunt, new hirings, jobs nearby me. Why you should join FETP is: By becoming a “Disease Detective” you will be a part of an elite health force that will respond to any health emergency including outbreaks. You will be able to strengthen disease surveillance systems in Pakistan for timely detection and response to outbreaks. Your effective work will save thousands of lives and ensure a healthy Pakistan.
Positions Announced:
1. Medical Doctors
To induct the 16th cohort of prospective Field Epidemiologists; the National Institutes of Health, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination invites applications from public sector medical doctors (both males and females), vets for admission in a 2-year specialized “Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)” to be conducted at the National Institutes of Health, Islamabad. Females are encouraged to apply. Limited private/self-finance seats are also available at the federal level only.
The fellows shall be selected for a 2-year training, which includes 2-3-month contact sessions in Islamabad (4 weeks first session followed by 3 weeks, 2-session/ year) followed by full-time on-the-job mentoring in the respective Disease Surveillance and Response Units (DSRUs) at Provincial/ Regional Director General Health Offices.
Last date to apply:
The deadline for the submission of the application is 25 November 2023.
How to apply:
The public sector candidates may apply through their respective Provincial/ Regional Director General Health Offices whereas private sector candidates can apply directly to this Institute. Complete details of eligibility criteria, application procedure, and fee structure for private candidates are available online at https://www.nih.orcwk/field-epidemiology-laboratory-trainincl-program-feltp-2/