Positions at Govt City Hospital Gilgit 2023
New positions and jobs are available for qualified and eligible candidates. latest jobs in gilgit, gb govt jobs, fcps part 2 training in gilgit, positions at govt city hospital gilgit 2023, latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs pakistan, newspaper jobs today, latest jobs today, jobs today, jobs search, jobs hunt, new hirings, jobs nearby me. Applications are invited from doctors who want to complete FCPS part 2 training in the name of the Medical Superintendent Government RHQ Hospital Gilgit.
Positions Announced:
1. FCPS Part-II Training
1. General Surgery
2. General Medicine
3. Gynecology and Obstetrics
4. Ophthalmology
5. Orthopedic surgery
6. Urology
7. Pediatric Medicine.
The Hospital will provide the following facilities to the resident doctors
1. Stipend allocated by the provincial government
2. Accommodation
3. Established library having required medical books and wifi facility
4. Auditorium
5. Classrooms
Last date to apply for the jobs:
15th Dec 2023
Requirements: (Attested copies of the following documents) 1. Application in the name of MS/ Cfsarman 2. Detailed CV & attested photograph (01) 3. MBBS degree 4. FCPS pan-1 result 5. Domicile (Open) 6. PHOC updated 7. Marks sheets of M88S all profs 8. Job certificate/ experience in GB if any Last date for submission of applications is 15th December. 2023 .n the office of CPSP library located in Shaheed Saif-Ur-Rehman Govt. Hospital Gilgit or can be sent through the following mails. [email protected], A[email protected]. The final date of the interview will be informed to all short-listed candidates.