Evacuee Trust Property Board Internships 2023
Applications are invited from qualified and eligible candidates for the following trainee positions. latest jobs pakistan, jobs in pakistan, latest jobs in pakistan, evacuee trust property board internships 2023, latest internships in pakistan. The details of the positions and jobs are mentioned as follows.
Positions Announced:
1. Tourism Facilitation Officer (Trainees)
2. Intern Legal (Trainees)
Duration of the jobs and positions: The trainees will be only for a period of 06 months (NON-EXTENDABLE) on a temporary basis and will not have any right of induction and regular appointment. After completing the internship one time, these candidates WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE for subsequent internships in ETPB
Note: After completion of the successful prescribed period. eligible candidates may apply for registration as private tour guides/Tourist Facilitation Officers. Females are encouraged to apply as trainees.
Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following positions and jobs is 20th Jan 2023 as mentioned in the following advertisement
How to apply for the jobs:
Detailed TORs and application forms are available on the website www.etpb.gov Shortlisted candidates fulfilling the criteria will be called for an interview. No TA/DA shall be admissible. The final decision for selection will be made by the competent authority as per the recommendations of the Selection Committee. The competent authority may terminate the said appointment at any time without assigning any reason. Interested candidates may apply with all credentials, documents, and 2 passport-size photographs to the Secretary PMEIF, ETP Board, 9 Court Street Lahore by 20.01.2023.