BUITEMS Quetta Jobs 2021
Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals to carry out the recruitment purely on a contract basis. latest jobs in pakistan. The Control Automotive and Robotics Laboratory (CARL) is announcing research positions at BUITEMS, Quetta. CARL is the part of National Center of Robotics and Automation which is a consortium of 11 labs over 13 universities of Pakistan headquartered at NUST College of E&ME. The center will serve as a leading technological hub within the domain of Robotics and Automation. buitems quetta jobs 2021, latest jobs in balochistan, new jobs in balochistan, research jobs in balochistan,
Positions Announced:
1. Research Associate (Senior Al Scientist)
2. Research Assistant – (Al Scientist)
3. Research Associate – (Senior Robotics Engineer)
4. Research Assistant – (Robotics Engineer
5. Business Development Manager (BDM)
Qualification / Experience required for the following vacant positions and jobs: The qualification /experience and the Requirements for the above positions can be seen at www.buitems.edu.pk/jobs.
Nature of the jobs: The following vacant positions and jobs are on a contractual basis
Location of the following vacant positions and jobs: The following vacant positions are located in Quetta.
Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs is 7th Sept 2021 as mentioned in the following advertisement.
How to apply for the jobs:
The application must be submitted on the prescribed “Employment Form” available at the university website: www.buitms.edu.pk/jobs. Application processing fee of Rs. 1500/-(nonrefundable) in the shape of demand draft drawn in favor of “Establishment of NCRA BUITEMS” Account No.4150660565, National Bank of Pakistan, Quetta Cantt (0052). The university reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason. No TA/DA shall be admissible for Test/Interview. Incomplete applications or applications without demand draft/challan shall not be accepted. The last date for submission of the application is 07th September 2021.