Jobs at Multan Garrison Education System 2022
Applications are invited for the following vacant positions and jobs mentioned as follows. latest jobs in pakistan, jobs in pakistan, jobs in multan, multan garrison education system jobs, jobs at multan garrison education system 2022. The following vacant positions and jobs are located in Multan. The qualification and experience required for the following vacant positions and jobs are mentioned as follows.
Positions Announced:
1. Subj Teacher Maths
BSc / MSc / BS, preferably 2 years of experience in teaching at a reputed institution
2. Subj Teacher Science
BSc / MSc / BS
3. Art Teacher
4. Subj Teacher Cptr
MSc (Cptr Science) / BSCS
5. Class Teacher Jnr
Masters / Bachelors
6. Pre-Level Teacher
Bachelor / Preferably ECLC / ECLD qualified
7. Art Teacher
8. Subj Teacher Islamiat
Masters in Islamiat
9. Subj Teacher Physics
MSc / BS
10. Subj Teacher Chem
11. Subj Teacher Cptr
12. Subj Teacher Cptr
MA/BS (Eng)
13. Subj Teacher Engl
MA / BS Eng
14. Subj Teacher Eng
MA / BS Eng
15. Subj Teacher Science
16. Emotional Health Counselor
MSc Psychology. Minimum 2 years of experience
Last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs:
The last date to apply for the following vacant positions and jobs is 4th July 2022 as mentioned in the following advertisement
How to apply for the jobs:
Send CV with the latest photograph and original credentials to the following address mentioned in the advertisement below.