SPSC Jobs 2021
Sindh Public Service Commission Thandi Sarak, Hyderabad invites applications for the following vacant positions mentioned as follows. The qualification and experience required are mentioned as follows. spsc jobs 2021, sindh public service commission jobs 2021, jobs in spsc 2021,
Positions Vacant:
A. Transport & Mass Transit Department
1. Secretary BPS – 17
Qualification and experience required for the following vacant position: Graduation in at least 2nd Division from a recognized university.
2. Motor Mechanical Vehicle Inspector BPS – 16
3. Motor Vehicle Inspector BPS – 16
Qualification and experience required for the following vacant position: Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) in Automobile / Mechanical / Mechanics / I.T. / Electrical / Electronic in 2nd Division or equivalent from an Institute recognized by Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE)
B. Livestock & Fisheries Department
1. Agriculture Officer BPS – 17
Qualification and experience required for the following vacant position: MSc in Agriculture at least 2nd Division from a recognized university.
Last date to apply:
29th Jan 2021
How to apply:
Original challan of Rs. 500/- be paid in the Head of Account “002101-Organ of State Exam Fee (SPSC Receipts)” in State Bank / National Bank of Pakistan. Candidate has to provide Challan No. Date and Name of the Bank Branch in his/her Online application. Candidate must retain Originally paid challan of Rs. 500/- to be presented at the time of Pre-interview, Written Test, and interview. Challan Form can be downloaded from Official website i.e. www,spsc.gov.pk General relaxation up to 15 (fifteen) years is applicable in upper age limit for vacancies in all the departments of Government of Sindh, to be filled from 1st July. 2020 to 30th June 2022 as per Notification NO. S011(SGA&CD)5.642011, Dated 27.07.2020 (Except Police Service & the posts to be filled through Combined Competitive Examination by the Sindh Public Service Commission). The female/minority / disabled quota seats will be allocated according to the notification issued by the Government of Sindh. Options (e.g Domicile. Age, Qualification, Experience, Center, etc) once exercised could be changed at any subsequent stage.