National Assembly Secretariat Jobs 2020
National Assembly Secretariat invites applications on prescribed format are invited for the following posts from persons with disabilities from amongst Pakistani nationals, possessing the prescribed qualification, experience, and other requirements as mentioned against each. The qualification and experience required for the following vacant positions are mentioned as follows. The following vacant positions are located in Islamabad. national assembly secretariat jobs 2020, jobs in national assembly secretariat 2020, national assembly jobs 2020,
Positions Vacant:
1. Data Processing Assistant BS – 15
Qualification / Experience required for the following position: 2nd Class 16 year’s degree in IT/Computer Sciences/Software Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university.
2. Accountant BS – 15
Qualification / Experience required for the following position: 2nd Class 14 year’s degree in Accounts, Commerce, Economics, Finance, Statistics or equivalent from a recognized university.
3. Data Entry Operator BS – 14
Qualification / Experience required for the following position: a) 2′ Class ICS from recognized Board or 2nd Class HSSC with 6 months Diploma in IT from a recognized institute. b) English Typing speed 40 wpm. c) English Shorthand speed 70 wpm will be preferable.
4. Prood Reader BS – 14
Qualification / Experience required for the following position: 2nd Class 14 year’s degree from a recognized university.
5. Naib Qasid BS – 01
Qualification / Experience required for the following position: Middle pass
Last date to apply for the following vacant positions:
The last date to apply for the following vacant positions is within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.
How to apply for the following vacant positions:
Applicants may apply for more than one post by submitting a separate application form. Duly filled/signed application Forms along with Disability Certificate issued by the concerned authority should reach the Section Officer (Establishment-II), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad within 15 days of publication of this advertisement. Incomplete Application Forms and those received after the due date shall not be entertained. The application form can be downloaded from the website